Напишіть диалог 2 роли про проблему забруднення навколишнього середовища по 7 фраз на 2 ролі. На англійській мові
Role 1: Emma
Role 2: Alex
Emma: Hey, Alex, have you noticed how much trash is piling up in our neighborhood lately?
Alex: Yeah, it's getting pretty bad. I think people just don't care about keeping the environment clean.
Emma: It's frustrating! I mean, we have recycling bins everywhere, and yet, there's garbage scattered all over the streets.
Alex: I know, right? It's like some folks don't realize the impact it has on our surroundings. We need to do something about it.
Emma: I was thinking we could organize a community clean-up day. Get people together to pick up litter and raise awareness.
Alex: That's a great idea! We can spread the word and maybe even involve local schools. Teach kids early about the importance of a clean environment.
Emma: Exactly! It's not just about us; it's about the next generation. We need to set an example and make them understand the consequences of pollution.
Alex: Plus, a cleaner neighborhood is a safer and healthier one for everyone. Let's get started on planning this clean-up event!
Emma: Agreed! The more people we involve, the bigger impact we can make. It's time to turn things around and make our community a cleaner, greener place.