АНЛІЙСЬКА ЗАЙМЕННИКИ (в верхніх реченнях потрібно вставити слова такі як у 21 вправі

17 Did you go somewhere last night?- No, i went anywhere.
18 My brother likes some bread with some butter *
19 The dog will eat everything you give
20 He likes this sort of some coffee very much *
21 I can't find my keys anywhere
22 He doesn't like any loud music *
23 He had anything else to do, so he went to bed
23 She bought a bar of some chocolate
1 Once upon some time there lived a King
2 I have anything to wear. I need some new clothes
3 We still meet this man every now and then
4 This factory produced no paper *
5 I will not give this magazine to enyone else
6 I've looked everywhere for my hat, but still can't find it
7 When will every lessons begin?
8 No pupil of your group will pass this exam
9 Young people like every modern music
10 You look upset. Is everything all right?
11 Some people don't like to write any letters
12 What did you say? - Oh, nothing
13 Where did she put some cheese? *
14 He gets his newspapers every day
15 The book was anything special, but the pictures were nice
* - неточно, но я думаю так правильно