Предмет: История, автор: Аноним

Один из последних Ассирийских царей, создавший известную библиотеку, — это …


Автор ответа: Chara09




Царь Ассирии, правил приблизительно в 669 — 627 гг. до н. э. Сын Асархаддона, последний великий царь Ассирии.  Подготовленный первоначально к жреческой деятельности, Ашшурбанапал был единственным ассирийским царём, знавшим клинопись. По его приказу в Ниневии были собраны в копиях и подлинниках десятки тысяч исторических, магических и научных текстов. Библиотека Ашшурбанапала, в которой сохранилось более 20 тыс. глиняных табличек с текстами, была найдена при раскопках г. Ниневия в 1849—1859 гг.

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ОТДАМ ВСЕ СВОИ БАЛЛЫ, СРОЧНО, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!! заповнити таблицю. записати 5 відмінностей (використовуваючи текст нижче) між данієлем і стивом.
Daniel / Steve





**favourite subjects**

текст прикрепил!!

I live in the middle of Australia, and there isn't a school near my house. I use my radio and the internet to study. A teacher sometimes visits me, too. I like doing projects and talking to other kids. The internet is a great thing! We have a web camera, so I can see Science experiments and other things. I don't have to sit in a classroom and keep quiet. In two years I am going to the boarding school and will spend more time with other kids. Best wishes.

We do different subjects at my school: Maths and English, Music and Art, Science and Technology.

I love Literature, but I don't like Science much. We do Geography and History, too. We study Spanish because there are a lot of Latinos here people from Latin America, like my friend Miguel [mi'gel].

We have no uniform and most kids wear T-shirts, jeans and sneakers. In American schools you have to get good grades. otherwise you can be 'left back'. That means you do the year again. It's pretty unusual.

Another thing-every morning we have the Pledge of Allegiance. Sometimes we all say it together, but usually we just stand up and listen to one kid saying it. If you talk during the Pledge, our teacher Mr. Schumacher gets really mad. I don't know why, but he really loves the Pledge. A lot of schools don't do the Pledge anymore.

P.S. Tomorrow we are going to the Air and Space Museum.

It's a great museum and I am looking forward to visiting it.

Bye, Steve

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