Предмет: Беларуская мова, автор: terehovavaleria72

Помогите составить предложения со словами чарнабровы,чорнабароды,вадасховишча,водаканал,дабраякасна,добрасумленна.


Автор ответа: zxcuser22
  1. У нашым горадзе ёсць чарнабровы кветка, якая цешыць вока ўсім, хто мінае мімо.
  2. Чорнабароды збіраюцца на грамадскім мерапрыемстве, каб абмяркоўваць важныя пытанні для грамадства.
  3. Вадасховішча стала справаючым цэнтрам для месцавых аб’яднанняў, дзякуючы сваёй атмасферы таўнай гаспадарчасці.
  4. Мясцовы водаканал забяспечвае наш горад чыстой і бяспечнай вадой для піцця.
  5. Дабраякасна арганізуе благадзейныя акцыі, якія дапамагаюць тым, хто патрабуе дапамогі.
  6. Добрасумленна група лідароў працуе для таго, каб павысіць якасць жыцця ў нашай грамадзе.
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: madiserikbaev44
Did all living things on planet Earth evolve from one common ancestor? This is a big question 1).. Carl Woese, an American microbiologist and biophysicist, was curious to answer, However, his research into the subject led 2).. the discovery of far more than just an answer to this question. Carl Woese, an Woese was born in New York in the USA on 15th July, 1928. He was fascinated by science from a very young age and wanted to become a scientist. He gained a degree in Mathematics and Physics at Amherst College in Massachusetts and had 3)... interest in Biology at that time. However, one of Woese's college professors recommended he studied biophysics, so just three years later, aged 24, he graduated with a PhD in Blophysics. Woese continued his education by studying medicine and carrying 4)... research into bacteria, viruses and genetics. He was very interested in the work done 5)... two scientists called Linus Pauling and Emile Zuckerkandl who investigated evolution and genetics based on the DNA and RNA .......*.e At that time, there wasn't an experimental method 6).. answer this question. But, this didn't stop Woese - in fact, he created his own. He realised that by analysing and comparing genetic information in the ribosomes of the organisms, he could compare ancestry 7).. . easily. During his research and experimentation, Woese discovered a whole new domai of life. At first, a lot of other scientists didn't agree witn fis findings 8) around a decade before his work was widely accepted. His discovery meant that he could redraw the tree of life including the new domain. ... his experimental method, In fact, it took For many years, it was widely accepted that life on Earth was split 9) Prokaryotes are organisms with cells that do not contain a nucleus, for example; bacteria. Eukaryotes are organisms with cells that do contain a nucleus, like animals and plants. However, Carl Woese discovered the domain archaea. Archaea are microbes much 10) genetic makeup. At first, people thought archaea only lived in extreme environments like in geothermal springs like those at Yellowstone Park, but actually, you can find Archaea everywhere; 11). own digestive system. Unfortunately, scientists still don't know very much about them and still have a 12) two domains; prokaryotes and eukaryotes. bacteria, but with a different the soil in your garden to inside your to learn.
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