ПОмогите пожалуйста до четверга срочно надо
write a short report/ Use the questions for ideas/
1) Do you like Russian peotry?
2)Who is your favorite poet?
3)Why do you like him/her?
4) how do you feelwen you read his/her poetry?
5)How does his/her poetry make you feel?
можно просвоих пистать ток что бы содержательное было взарание спс
Ты слова немного неправильно написал ^^
1) Yes, very much.
2) My favorite poet Anna Akhmatova.
3)These verses can not be confused with others. They do not look like anyone's, uniquepoetry of Anna Akhmatova speaks deeply to the heart.
4)Wonder's poetry of Akhmatova, perhaps, is the ability to overcome their suffering, to shoot the mountain with another soul, returning to her joy of life. Because, after all, live -so enjoy! Although I would not say that in his poems Akhmatova often sings this joy.
5)Akhmatova's poetry, sunny, easy and free. She lived a great love of the earth, and sangabout it, and this was the meaning of her life, her natural state.
Вот :)