Предмет: Английский язык, автор: lakshmiharshani

01) Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions from the words given in the brackets. (10 Marks) Our company is participating (01) _______________________(in/on/at) a job fair next week. We are looking forward to connecting (02) _______________________(to/with/about) potential candidates who are interested (03) _______________________(at/in/on) our open positions. During the event, our HR team will be available (04) _______________________(in/at/with) booth number 25. We encourage all applicants to submit their resumes online (05) _______________________ (before/during/after) the event, but we will also accept hard copies (06) _______________________(on/at/in) the fair. Please be prepared to talk (07) _______________________(of/about/with) your qualifications and experience, and don't forget to inquire (08) _______________________(to/about/with) the specific job responsibilities. We believe (09) _______________________(at/in/on) providing equal opportunities, so everyone is welcome regardless (10) _______________________(from/of/in) their background or experience level. (02) Fill in the blanks with a suitable degree of comparison from the words given in the brackets. (10 Marks) Our company has launched a (01) _______________________(new/newer/newest) product line to stay ahead in the competitive market. We believe it's (02) _______________________(important/more important/most important) to invest in cuttingedge technology. Our team works (03) _______________________(efficient/efficiently/more efficiently) to deliver projects on time. We are proud to offer (04) _______________________(high/higher/highest) quality services to our clients. By staying (05) _______________________(current/more current/most current) with industry trends, we can provide (06) _______________________(creative/more creative/most creative) solutions to our clients' problems. Our employees are (07) _______________________(dedicated/more dedicated/most dedicated) to achieve our company goals. We believe in (08) _____


Автор ответа: 3828803126


01) Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions:

1. Our company is participating in a job fair next week.

2. We are looking forward to connecting with potential candidates who are interested in our open positions.

3. During the event, our HR team will be available at booth number 25.

4. We encourage all applicants to submit their resumes online before the event, but we will also accept hard copies at the fair.

5. Please be prepared to talk about your qualifications and experience, and don't forget to inquire about the specific job responsibilities.

6. We believe in providing equal opportunities, so everyone is welcome regardless of their background or experience level.

02) Fill in the blanks with a suitable degree of comparison:

1. Our company has launched a new product line to stay ahead in the competitive market.

2. We believe it's more important to invest in cutting-edge technology.

3. Our team works more efficiently to deliver projects on time.

4. We are proud to offer the highest quality services to our clients.

5. By staying more current with industry trends, we can provide more creative solutions to our clients' problems.

6. Our employees are more dedicated to achieving our company goals.

7. We believe in hiring the most qualified candidates for our team.

8. The company is looking for ways to be more environmentally friendly in its operations.

9. The new software is easier to use than the previous version.

10. We are committed to providing better customer service to our clients.

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