She travels for her job, but when it'sher own holiday, Karen Saundersstays at home.
Karen Saunders has her own travelagency in Mayfair, London thatpeople all over the world on theirdream holidays. She needs to knowwhere she's sending them, so shegoes on working holidays four o fivetimes a year.
My ideal holiday has a little bit ofeverything. I like lazing on a beachwith a pile of books, but then I getbored and I need to do something . Ilove exploring new places , especiallyon foot, and nosing around inchurches , shops , museum andrestaurants. I'm very into cooking, soI love going around markets andfoods stores. However, I mustconfess that my favourite " holidaysresort" is home. I travel so much in myjob that just waking up in my own bedis heaven. I potter around the housein my pyjamas, read the paper , dosome gardening , shop for somefood, then make a delicious meal inthe evening.
I have three trips coming up. I'mlooking forward to going to Canadasoon, where I'm staying for fournights at the Ice Hotel. This is a giantigloo situated in Montmorency FallPark, just 20 minutes from downtownQuebec. It is made from 4,500 tons ofsnow and 250 tons of ice, and it takes5 weeks to build. It will stay open forthree months. When the springsarrives, it will melt. Then it will be builtagain for next year- maybe in adifferent place! Each room is suppliedwith a sleeping bag made from deerskins. The hotel has two art galleriesfeaturing ice sculptures , and an icecinema. It also has a bar where all thedrinks come in glasses made of ice.Of course I'll visit them all!
In complete contrast to the Ice Hotel,I'm going to Dubai the followingmonth, to stay a few days at thespectacular Burj al-Arab whichmeans the Arabian Tower. It'sshaped like a giant sail, and it risesdramatically out of the beautiful bluewater. Each room has sea views. Ireally want to try the restaurant in thetube at the top next to the helipad.Other must-dos include shopping inthe markets, called souks. ( You canbuy designer clothes, perfumes, andspices, but what I want is some goldjewellery). I'm also going to visit thecamel races. The next trip, differentagain , is to Baobab Rivers, in Selous,Tanzania, for a seven-day safari .