3 Complete the article about the Lewis Chessmen with a/an, the or -. In 1831 on the island of Lewis, 1 a man called Malcolm Macleod from 2 town of Pennydonald in Scotland found 3 old box of pieces for playing game of chess on 5________empty beach near 6 town. Some say his cow found 7 box! _________ pale, red and white figures of kings, soldiers and horses are large and very beautiful. Norwegian artist probably made them in around 1150 because at that time, 10 island was part of Norway. He used 11 teeth of 12 whales and painted half of them Lewis Chessmen in 14 museums 9 red. You can see 13 in Edinburgh and London.

Для завершения статьи о Льюисских шахматах, вы должны вставить артикли a или an в пропуски, где это необходимо. Вот пример заполнения:
In 1831 on the island of Lewis, **a** man called Malcolm Macleod from **the** town of Pennydonald in Scotland found **an** old box of pieces for playing **a** game of chess on **the** empty beach near **the** town. Some say his cow found **the** box! **The** pale, red and white figures of kings, soldiers and horses are large and very beautiful. **A** Norwegian artist probably made them in around 1150 because at that time, **the** island was part of Norway. He used **the** teeth of **the** whales and painted half of them red. You can see **the** Lewis Chessmen in **the** museums in Edinburgh and London.
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