Доброго вечора!
Треба написати лист на англійській мові, про те як я підтримую здоров'я, про зож,
я прікрипив зразок звідти можна брати фрази, лист повинен бути не дуже великим і слова не складні, на рівні восьмого класу, 13-14 речень.
I exercise every day and play sports to maintain my health. This is very important, sport is life and you can’t live without it. This is similar to something with the first one. Swimming and figure skating, they help a lot. I also eat healthy foods, for example: fruits, berries, vegetables and more. And I also often drink milk, as I know: milk is an excellent source of protein, calcium and such important nutritional elements as vitamin B12 and iodine. Also often go for a walk. Why? Because I know that walking, in addition to effectively regulating your heart rate, a leisurely walk helps clear out your arteries and allows your heart to pump oxygenated blood more efficiently. Walking also helps cleanse the body of toxins that are eliminated through sweating and breathing. I also rarely drink sugary drinks. For example, cola has 9 tablespoons of table sugar. I also don’t eat sweets very often. Because it has a lot of sugar.
Как то так.