Написати розповідь 12-18 речення. Про одну з субкультур. Наприклад емо, панки,кежуал(повсякденний одяг)
та інші на вибір.На англійській мові
Each of us has had to walk down the street, ride in transport or just watch TV and see people who are somehow different from others. Someone has a mohawk on their head, someone is all metal, and someone in black leather is speeding past you on a motorcycle. Most often, these are the exponents of modern subcultures.
Representatives of various subcultures try to show their individuality, to say to the gray mass: "I am a person." For some reason, we don't like informal people, don't understand them (and don't even try to understand them), and are often afraid of them. They openly ignore public opinion and live by their own rules. Contrary to popular opinion, in the majority
non-formals have an above average level of intelligence, they usually read a lot, have a good understanding of music, and there are many creative people among them.More and more teenagers every day in all countries of the world adopt one or another subculture. Therefore, it is necessary to know about this cultural phenomenon, understand it and be ready to meet representatives in real life.
Youth subculture is any association of youth that has its own elements of culture, namely: language (slang), symbols (external paraphernalia), traditions, norms and values.