Опишіть улюблену вечірку. ( Напишіть понад 50 слів) 1) What was it about? 2) Where was it held? 3) What did people do at the party? 4) What you enjoyed at this party?
My favorite party was an unforgettable night dedicated to my birthday. It took place in the fabulous garden of my friend in a remote part of the city. Guests came in colorful costumes and we spent time playing games, singing karaoke and dancing to live music. There were delicious snacks and drinks, and I especially enjoyed the fun atmosphere and support from friends. This party remained in my heart as the best night of my life.
Моя улюблена вечірка була неймовірною! Вона відбулася на даху великого міста, і там була чудова атмосфера. Люди танцювали під зірками, музика була драйвовою, а коктейлі бездоганними. Я зустрів багато цікавих людей, обговорювали мистецтво і музику. Момент, який мені сподобався найбільше, це була неповторна аура та відчуття вільності, які летіли в повітрі. Эта вечеринка запам'яталася мені назавжди!
My favorite party was amazing! It took place on the rooftop of a big city, and the atmosphere was fantastic. People danced under the stars, the music was lively, and the cocktails were flawless. I met many interesting people, discussed art and music. The moment I enjoyed the most was the unique atmosphere and the feeling of freedom in the air. This party will be a lasting memory for me!