Предмет: Английский язык, автор: wabbexyk

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News stories appeal to the readers when they are carefully planned and well-written. A good news story is always up-to-date. It has to be published in a newspaper right after the event has happened.
Here is the list of things a professional reporter has to think about when writing a news story:
1. Decide on a subject of your story.
2. Discuss why it is important for the readers at the moment.
3. Think of the basic information about the story. The following questions can help you:
Who is the story about?
• What happened?
When did this happen?
Where did this happen?
• Why is this important?
4. Think of the interesting details about the story.
5. Read the first paragraph of the story. Decide if it has to be positive or negative. Include interesting facts to catch the readers' attention.
6. Write next paragraphs of the story.
7. Express your attitude to the event. Support your ideas with real-life examples and quotations.


Автор ответа: viktoriatrocin3


The article highlights the essential elements of writing a compelling news story. It emphasizes the importance of timeliness, relevance, and engaging content. The step-by-step guide provided for professional reporters is clear and practical. It encourages reporters to think critically about the subject's significance and to include basic details like who, what, when, where, and why. Additionally, the emphasis on incorporating interesting details and engaging the readers with a captivating first paragraph is invaluable. Expressing one's attitude and providing real-life examples and quotations add depth and credibility to the story. Overall, this article serves as a helpful guide for aspiring journalists looking to craft impactful news stories.

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1. Выпишите ключевые слова и словосочетания (4-5 слов);
2. Сформулируйте основную мысль, используя ключевые слова​
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