составить предложение еа present continus 10 вопросительных ,10 отрицательных,10 утвердиткльных пж
ок , держи: вопрос: 1) are you watching TV now ?
2) are they playing football?
3) is she cooking at the moment ?
4) are you walking ?
5) is he writing his homework now ?
6) are they talking?
7) am I eating now ?
8) Are you looking for a short?
9) is she reading right now?
10) are you doing this?
Утверждение : 1) I am waiting for her
2) Alice is playing computer games
3) he is riding his bike
4) I am eating right now
5) Lina is walking outside
6) he is writing now
7) David is playing with his friends
8) I am going to shop now
9) You are chatting.
10) Emma is drinking water
отрицательное : 1) Emma is not wearing this now
2) I am not going to school .
3) Michael is not playing basketball at the moment
4) You are not doing anything now
5) Mike is not talking right now
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