ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА! Очень нужна ваша помощь!!
Match the characters in box A with their antonyms in box B.
A. cheerful tidy independent patient practical cautious passionate
determined friendly progressive idealistic devoted joyful generous
courageous sympathetic honest stoical punctual restless aggressive violent
repulsive wicked bitchy proud rude lying naive shy hysterical
absent-minded quick-tempered untrue secretive vague flexibl
hard-working energetic
B. unhappy unkempt helpless impatient unrealistic reckless reserved
hesitant unfriendly retrograde realistic disloyal joyless stingy cowardly
indifferent untruthful complaining careless relaxed peaceful calm
attractive good kind unpretentious polite honest experienced
outgoing composed attentive easygoing loyal open clear
lazy passive
A. cheerful - unhappy
tidy - unkempt
independent - helpless
patient - impatient
practical - unrealistic
cautious - reckless
passionate - reserved
determined - hesitant
friendly - unfriendly
progressive - retrograde
idealistic - realistic
devoted - disloyal
joyful - joyless
generous - stingy
courageous - cowardly
sympathetic - indifferent
honest - untruthful
stoical - complaining
punctual - careless
restless - relaxed
aggressive - peaceful
violent - calm
repulsive - attractive
wicked - good
bitchy - kind
proud - unpretentious
rude - polite
lying - honest
naive - experienced
shy - outgoing
hysterical - composed
absent-minded - attentive
quick-tempered - easygoing
untrue - loyal
secretive - open
vague - clear
flexible - uncompromising
hard-working - lazy
energetic - passive
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