Card 2
Do you think that it is necessary to recycle things? What things (if any) do you recycle?
What little things do you think you could do to help protect the environment?
Recycling can prevent the landfill of potentially useful materials and reduce the consumption of virgin raw materials, thereby reducing energy consumption, air pollution (from combustion), water pollution, and soil pollution. You can even donate old socks, nylon tights, shoelaces, underwear, a stretched T-shirt or faded duvet covers. You can help the environment by saving water, saving energy, and not littering.
Recycling is important to help the earth. If we don't recycle, garbage fills up fast and we waste natural things. At my house, I recycle plastic, glass, paper and metal things.
Some small things I do are using reusable water bottles, shopping bags, and cups instead of single-use plastic. I also turn off lights when not in them, air dry clothes outside, carpool or take the bus sometimes, and properly throw away dangerous items.
Small everyday actions like this help cut down on plastic waste, energy/water use, and car pollution. If more people do some green things, it can slowly make the environment better even with little things.