Предмет: Математика, автор: StevePerry




Автор ответа: dnepr1

Различные случаи расположения прямой на плоскости в зависимости от коэффициентов общего уравнения.

1)  С = 0,        Ax + By = 0   - прямая проходит через начало координат;

                А = 0,                    By + C = 0     - прямая проходит параллельно оси ОХ;

                В = 0,                    Ax + C = 0      - прямая проходит параллельно оси ОУ.

Для заданной прямой А=(а + 2), В = (а² -9), С = (3а² - 8а + 5).

1) Для прямой, параллельной оси Ох в уравнении отсутствует переменная «х». Значит, а + 2 = 0, отсюда а = -2.

2) Для прямой, параллельной оси Оу в уравнении отсутствует переменная «у». Значит, а² -9 = 0, отсюда а = ±3.

3) Прямая проходит через начало координат, если С = 0.

Приравняем 3а² - 8а + 5 = 0.

D = 8² – 4*3*5 = 64 – 60 = 4, √D = ±2.

a1 = (8 – 2)/(2*3) = 6/6 = 1,

a2 = (8 + 2)/(2*3) = 10/6 = 5/3.

StevePerry: Дякую<3))))))
StevePerry: Не повірите, щено дивився завдання з Вашим виконанням ще у 2016-тому році! І тут мені відповідаєте Ви! В мене очі стали квадратними
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Exercise 1. Read the text and answer the questions.
My Flat
We have a nice flat in a new block of flats. Our flat is onthe fourth floor. It has all modern conveniences: centralheating, gas, electricity, cold and hot water, a lift and a chuteto carry rubbish down.
There are three rooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a hall inour flat.
The living-room is the largest and most comfortable roomin the flat. In the middle of the room we have a square-tablewith six chairs round it. To the right of the dinner-table thereis a wall-unit which has several sections: a sideboard, a wardrobeand some shelves. At the opposite wall there is a piano andstool before it. Between the two large windows there is a littletable with a colour TV set on it. Near the TV set there are twocosy armchairs. A small round table, a divan-bed and astandard lamp are in the left-hand corner. This small table isfor newspapers and magazines. My father is used to havinga rest sitting on this divan-bed reading books, newspapers,magazines or watching TV.
The bedroom is smaller than the living-room and not solight as there is only one window in it. In this room there aretwo beds with a bedside-table between them. An alarm-clockand a small lamp with a pink lamp-shade are on the table. Inthe left-hand corner there is a dressing-table with a big mirror.In this room we have a built-in wardrobe with coat-hangers tohang clothes on. There is a thick carpet on the floor andplain light-brown curtains on the window.
The third room is my study. It is not large but very cosy.There isn't much furniture in it, only the most necessary. Ithas a writing-table and an armchair before it. In the righthandcorner there is a bookcase full of books, magazines andnewspapers. A small table with a radio is standing in theleft-hand corner. Near it there is a sofa with some cushions.In my opinion, the study is the best room in our flat. But thewarmest place in our flat is the kitchen, I think — the placewhere the whole family gathers every evening not only tohave supper together, but also to speak and rest. I like theEnglish proverb: "My home is my castle" because my flat is,indeed, my castle.

1. Have you a house or a flat?
2. How many rooms are there in your flat?
3. Has your flat all modern conveniences? What arethey?
4. What room is the largest in your flat?
5. What is there in the middle of the room?
6. Is there a piano in the living-room?
7. What is there near the TV set?
8. How many windows are there in the bedroom?
9. What is on the bedside-table?
10. What colour curtains are there on the window?
11. What room is very cosy?
12. Is there much furniture in the study?
13. What is there in the right-hand corner of the study?
14. What is standing in the left-hand corner?

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