напишите, пожалуйста, сочинение на тему «мой характер». нужно от 8 до 10 предложений. можно как и на русском так и сразу на английском
My character is a blend of various qualities and traits that make me unique. Firstly, I am usually very calm and patient. I strive to maintain composure in challenging situations and find solutions without succumbing to panic. At the same time, I am hardworking and goal-oriented, always striving to achieve my goals. My commitment and responsibility allow me to fulfil my duties at work and in my studies on time.
I also have a well-developed sense of fairness and always try to do justice to others. I value friendship and try to be a support for my loved ones in difficult moments. However, sometimes I can be overly self-critical and a perfectionist.
My character is ultimately shaped by my experiences, values and beliefs, and it is constantly evolving as I go through life.