Говорение. выбираете одну из тем и составляете диалог в парах. В карточках будут готовые вопросы, такие как: Card 1.Discuss with your partner the topic ‘Our class’. The following questions will help you to organize your talk: 1) What grade are you in? 2) Do you have to wear a uniform? 3) What is your favourite subject at school? 4) What do you usually do after school? 5) Do you enjoy studying? Card 2. Discuss with your partner the topic ‘Helping and Heroes’. The following questions will help you to organize your talk: 1) Do you believe in superheroes? 2) Who is your favourite male superhero? Why? 3) Who is your favourite female superhero? Why? 4) Do you think people need superheroes? 5) Do you want to be a superhero? Why? срочнооооооо
Card 1: Discuss with your partner the topic ‘Our class’.
- Partner 1: Hi, what grade are you in?
- Partner 2: I'm in the ninth grade. How about you?
- Partner 1: I'm also in the ninth grade. Do you have to wear a uniform at your school?
- Partner 2: Yes, we have a dress code. Do you have one too?
- Partner 1: No, we don't have uniforms. What's your favorite subject at school?
- Partner 2: I really enjoy mathematics. How about you?
- Partner 1: I like science. What do you usually do after school?
- Partner 2: After school, I usually do my homework and then spend time with friends. How about you?
- Partner 1: I do my homework too, and sometimes I play sports. Do you enjoy studying?
- Partner 2: Well, I like some subjects more than others, but I do find learning interesting. How about you?
Card 2: Discuss with your partner the topic ‘Helping and Heroes’.
- Partner 1: Do you believe in superheroes?
- Partner 2: Not in the comic book sense, but I believe in people who do heroic things. Who's your favorite male superhero, if you have one?
- Partner 1: I like Spider-Man because he's relatable. He's just a regular guy who becomes a hero. How about you?
- Partner 2: I'm a fan of Iron Man because of his intelligence and technology. What about female superheroes?
- Partner 1: Wonder Woman is impressive because she's strong and fights for justice. Do you think people need superheroes in real life?
- Partner 2: While we may not have superpowers, we can still make a difference by helping others. Do you want to be a superhero?
- Partner 1: In a way, yes. I want to make a positive impact on the world and help those in need. How about you?
- Partner 2: I agree. Being a real-life hero by making a difference is a great goal to have.