next move 4 тест, помогите ПОЖАЛУЙСТА даю 20 баллов

ex. 1
1. They sell fish in that shop.
Fish is sold in that shop.
2. They built Buckingham Palace in the eighteenth century.
Buckingham Palace was built in the eighteenth century.
3. They will open a new museum next year.
A new museum will be opened next year.
4. Millions of people watched the match.
The match was watched by millions of people.
5. Thousands of tourists visit the sights.
The sights are visited by thousands of tourists.
6. We make our orange juice from Californian oranges.
Our orange juice is made from Californian oranges.
7. They will train us to do the job.
We will be trained to do the job.
8. They clean the hotel rooms every morning.
The hotel rooms are cleaned every morning.
9. He will send the invitations next Friday.
The invitations will be sent next Friday.
10. The fire destroyed hundreds of houses.
Hundreds of houses were destroyed by the fire.
ex. 2
1. When was your bicycle stolen?
2. When will her car be repaired?
3. Is this olive oil made from Italian olives?
4. Where was the pirates' treasure hidden?
5. Will your bedroom be painted white?
6. Are the classrooms cleaned every day?
7. Was butter used to make the cake?
8. Will the actor be interviewed for next month's magazine?
9. Where are these oranges grown?
10. Were the children taken to the seaside by their grandparents?
ex. 3
1 - f
2 - h
3 - g
4 - e
5 - d
6 - j
7 - a
8 - c
9 - b
10 - i
ex. 4
1. They discovered the pirates' treasure on a small island.
2. I removed a few books from a bookcase because i wanted to borrow them.
3. The sun disappeared behind a cloud and I felt cold.
4. Their TV was old, so they replaced it with a new one.
5. Before she wrote her book, she researched the subject carefully.
6. He caught a fish but it was small, so he released it.
7. My grandfather disliked seaside holidays. He said they were boring.
8. She was very ill, but fortunately she recovered.
9. Sheila thought the film was good, but I disagreed.
10. They restored the old building and it looked beautiful.
ex. 5
Dialogue 1
Shona: Come on Charlie! The museum is down that street.
Charlie: Don't be silly. The harbour's down there. Let's ask someone.
Excuse me, could you tell us where the museum is?
Woman: Go past the tea shop and turn left. The museum is on the right. You can't miss it.
Shona: Thanks!
Dialogue 2
Edith: Excuse me, could you direct us to the harbour?
Man: Yes. Turn left out of here. Then cross over the road by the post office and take the first turning on the right. You'll see the harbour at the end of the street.
Edith: Thank you, and sorry to disturb you.
ex. 1-2 В тесте предлагается закончить предложение в Passive Voice. Passive Voice используется для того, чтобы подчеркнуть само действие или событие, а не человека или предмет, выполняющий это действие. Для образованияPassive Voice мы используем вспомогательный глагол be и причастие прошедшего времени основного глагола.