Предмет: Английский язык, автор: natalalucko648

інтернет позитивні і негативні сторони англійською​


Автор ответа: agrokitti


The Internet has both positive and negative sides.

One of the positive aspects of the Internet is that the Internet is the largest library in the world. Here you can find essays and information on any topic, starting with the weather and the latest news and ending with scientific works and the most important discoveries. The second positive side of the Internet is chat. I think that this is quite a good way of communication, because you can communicate with many people at the same time, get to know and learn a lot of interesting things. I also believe that Internet mail is very convenient and useful, especially for busy and business people. It allows us to send and receive letters from different parts of the world in a matter of seconds, while it can take a week or even more with regular mail. In addition, it is almost free and does not require much time. Another positive side of the Internet is advertising and stores

One of the negative features of the Internet is viruses. You can get a virus on your computer by opening a message that contains the virus or by simply downloading a text file. Therefore, you need to install antivirus systems or just be careful with emails. Another negative side of the Internet is virtual games. In general, computerization hides a certain danger in case of incorrect and illiterate use. Therefore, there is a threat that in virtual reality a person may lose his bearings in the world, stop understanding what is real and what is illusory. In our time, it is not yet widely discussed, since virtual reality has not yet become so widespread, but scientists around the world are already conducting research on personality changes under the influence of information technology.

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