Предмет: Українська мова, автор: mrprostar2006

ТЕРМІНОВО! 34 БАЛИ! Установіть відповідність між прикладом і художнім засобом.

1. Вони зійшлися: тьма і промінь, пісні і проза,
лід і пломінь ховають більше схожих рис.
2. Була гроза, і грим гримів,
він так любив гриміти.
3. Тече вода в синє море, та не витікає;
шука козак свою долю, а долі немає.
4. О, панно Інно, панно Інно!
5. Сипле, стеле сад самотній
Сірий смуток - срібний сніг, -
6. Гомоніла Україна, довго гомоніла
7. Мушу випити келих до краю -
Полиновий мед самоти...
8. Так ніхто не кохав. Через тисячі літ
лиш приходить подібне кохання.

Художній засіб:
А асонанс
Б метонімія
В оксиморон
Г гіпербола
Д антитеза
Є алітерація
Е тавтологія
Ж паралелізм


Автор ответа: uspex13



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помогите с англ яз. часть 4bReading 4 a) Read the text below and mark the statements T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn't say). Roller Meals Don't expect a friendly smile from the waiter when you walk into 's Baggers restaurant in Nuremburg, Germany. There are no waiters in this unique and modern restaurant. Instead, customers look through the menu and order their meals on computer screens at their tables. Here, you don't need to wait for a waiter to say, "Are you ready to order?" When you're ready, just select what you want from the scree and wait for the kitchen staff to make your meal. That's not all. You can even send emails from your touch screen, so you don't get bored while waiting. Also, a waiter doesn't carry the meal to your table when it's ready. Your dish travels down long tracks from the kitchen to your seat. The tracks resemble a roller coaster ride and make the restaurant seem like a small amusement park. This restaurant also specialises in low-fat and low- calorie dishes. So when the food comes down, your weight doesn't go up! 1 There is no other restaurant like 's Baggers F 2 There isn't a menu at 's Baggers restaurant....... 3 Customers need to wear formal clothes. DS 4 You can send written messages online from the touch screen. T 5 Customers collect their meals from the kitchen. 6 The restaurant is in an amusement park. 7 's Baggers caters to people on a diet. b) Now complete the sentences. 1 's Baggers restaurant is located in 2 Customers order their meals P ****** DS. DS. 3 If you get bored, you can 4 The tracks make the restaurant look like. Tur name, pleas -A-L-T-C Sa t time? 17 s to act out 9:00-Brenta cing n to and rea you like to bai? Why ( tag. In three inces. Rear Vocabula​