СРРОООЧЧНО СДЕЛАЙТЕ эссе пожалуйста даю 90 балловв срочно английский незнаю

According to the data, Facebook is the most popular platform among students, with 55% of them using it. YouTube is the second most frequented site, accounting for 10% of the students' online presence. Other sites collectively make up 7% of their internet activity, while Twitter is used by 3% of the students.
In terms of the time spent online, the majority of students (45%) spend 1-2 hours a day on the internet. A significant proportion (23%) is online for 3-4 hours, while only 3% restrict their usage to just one hour. It's interesting to note that 5% of students are heavy internet users, spending more than 6 hours online daily.
The survey highlights the dominance of Facebook and the diversity in internet usage patterns among students, from minimal use to extensive engagement. This information can be valuable for educators and parents looking to understand and manage students' online activities.
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