Предмет: Английский язык, автор: tecnospark2010

Task 2. Express your opinion about the issue in your card an 1 minute to talk about it. Card 1 How to protect the environment? Card 2 What should we do to reduce the pollution? Card 3 What things are harmful to the environment in your area? Card 4 Do you lead healthy lifestyle? Card 5 Do you think it is important to save the Aral Sea? Give reasons​


Автор ответа: klysova37


1. What are some of the most serious problems of the world nowadays? (noise from cars and buses; destruction of wildlife and countryside beauty; shortage of natural resources; the growth of population; pollution in its many forms)

There are many problems in the world nowadays, and a lot of them are caused by people. In my opinion, the most serious of them are environmental ones. These are air, water and soil pollution, destruction of wildlife, overpopulation and shortage of natural resources, such as water, fossil fuels and forests.

2. How do people damage the environment?

Unfortunately, people damage the environment in many ways. We burn fossil fuels, cut down forests, pollute air and water, use too much plastic and throw food away.

3. What can environmental pollution cause?

Environmental pollution can cause different diseases, such as allergies, asthma or even cancer. Also, it may lead to the destruction of biodiversity, lack of food and climate change.

4. What can you do to protect our environment?

If we want to protect our environment, we need to sort waste so it can be recycled, use public transport instead of private, eat less meat and remember to turn off the lights when we don’t need them.


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