Зробіть презентацію про себе(твір). Згадайте, що ви зазвичай носите, ваш улюблений одяг і ставлення до моди. (ношу худі, спортивний одяг, футболки та шорти, за модою не дуже слідкую)
I have a favorite style of clothing that can be described as sporty and comfortable. I often wear hoodies, sweatpants, t-shirts, and shorts. I enjoy feeling comfortable and free in my attire.
As for my attitude towards fashion, I don't really subscribe to fashion trends and don't follow the latest fashion fads. For me, the most important thing is harmony with myself and comfort. I believe that everyone should feel good in their own skin and clothing. That's why I choose items that fit my style and size, and that help express my individuality.
In my presentation, I can show several photos of myself in my favorite style of clothing. I can also describe the materials and color schemes that I like, and how I create my unique look.
All of this will help me showcase my individuality and attitude towards fashion in my presentation.