2.4. Here are the sentences rewritten using more informal phrasal verbs:
1. Students often act up when they are bored in class.
2. The teacher wiped off the new words from the board and then quizzed us.
3. We have to hand in our registration forms for the exam on Friday.
4. I usually leave out my middle name when I'm filling out forms.
5. Some people were handing out leaflets about a demonstration in the town centre.
2.5. Here are the answers to the questions:
1. You are often asked to cross out rough work in an exam to indicate that it should not be considered for grading.
2. If a teacher gives out a sheet listing all the kings and queens of Britain, it can be considered both a worksheet and a handout.
3. Most pupils carry an eraser in their pencil cases to correct mistakes they make while writing or drawing.
4. It would be relatively easy for me to figure out how many euros are equal to 250 US dollars by using an online currency converter or checking the current exchange rate.
5. The reason for pupils playing up in class can vary, but it could be due to boredom, lack of engagement, or seeking attention.