At the Doctor (Medicine and Health) "A sound mind in a sound body", the old proverb says. It's obvious that good health is better than the best medicine. And if your health is good, you are always in a good mood. Perhaps, of all things people hate diseases most. Imagine, you plan to do something important or urgent but suddenly in the morning you find out that you can't get up as usual. You have a splitting headache, you feel a little dizzy, your eyes hurt and you can even cough. You can't recognize your voice because your nose is clogged. Besides, it's hard for you to swallow. After that, you look for the thermometer and take your temperature: it's 38.4. That means you are running a high temperature. You are ill and have to stay in bed. Of course, you have to send for the doctor or call the surgery for an appointment. Afterwards, the doctor will examine you. He will feel your pulse, sound your lungs, examine your throat. Then, he will say that there is nothing serious, just the flu. The doctor will write you out a prescription for some medicine that you have to take regularly. Taking medicines is an unpleasant thing, but you have to take them, because they will do you good. Moreover, when you have flu, you can give it to other people around you, because it is very catching. So, you have to stay in bed for a few days or you will get complications. And if you follow the doctor's directions, in a short time you will feel much better and fully recover. When your teeth need filling or extracting, you go to the dentist's: he pulls out the bad tooth, or fills it in and looks after the others. When your eyes need attention, you go to the oculist, who tests your sight and writes out a prescription. Then, an optician makes the necessary glasses for you. On the whole, children and grown-ups should take care of their health. I absolutely agree that prevention is better than cure. If you want to be healthy, you should do morning exercises, stay out of doors as long as you can, go in for sports, eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and other healthy food. Tasks 1. Give English equivalents to the following word combinations and use them in the sentences of your own: 1) сильний головний біль; 2) бути в доброму настрої; 11) прощупувати пульс; 12) кашель, кашляти: 3) відчувати нудоту і запаморочення: 4) в здоровому тілі здоровий дух; 14) мати високу температуру: 13) виписувати рецепт: 5) оглянути горло; 15) зміряти температуру: 16) почувати значно краще: 6) ненавидити хвороби; 7) ускладнення; 17) слідувати рекомендаціям; 8) видужувати, поправлятися; 9) виривати зуб; 18) лежати в ліжку; 19) перевіряти зір; 10) пломбувати зуб; 20) заразна хвороба. 2. Insert the correct prepositions: 1) 2) He is always ... a good mood. ... the morning you find ... that you can't get ... as usual 3) You are ill and have to stay ... bed ... a few days. Also, you have to send ... the doctor. 4) After examination the doctor will 5) If you have a bad tooth, the dentist pullsitor fill it ... and looks ... the others. write you... a prescription...some medicine. 6) People should take care ... their health. doors, go 7) If I were you, I'd stay ........ 3. ........ sports, eat a lot.... fruit and vegetables and other healthy food. Answer the questions: 1) What do you usually do when you fall ill? 2) When do you send for a doctor? 3) What does the doctor do when he comes to examine you? 4) Why must you follow the doctor's directions? 5) What do you feel when you have the flu? 6) What are the symptoms of the flu/ acold? 7) Who do you consult when you have a toothache? 8) Who do you consult when you want to test your sight? 9) How long does it take you to recover from a cold/ the flu? 10) What must you do so as not to have complications after the flu? 4. Translate into English: 1) У мого друга був жахливий головний біль і боліло горло. Він подзвонив в приймальню лікаря, щоб записатись на прийом. 2) Моя сестра слідувала рекомендаціям лікаря і через тиждень вона почувала себе значно краще. Лікар сказав, що моя сестра повністю одужала. 3) Якщо у тебе хороше здоров'я, ти завжди у гарному настрою. 4) Якщо ти хочеш перевірити свій зір, ти ідеш до окуліста. Якщо це необхідно, він випише тобі рецепт, а оптик зробить тобі окуляри. 5) Люди повинні піклуватися про своє здоров'я, тому що профілактика краще лікування. 6) Найбільше за все люди не люблять хворіти, тому якщо ти хочеш бути здоровим, тобі слід займатися спортом, робити ранкову зарядку та їсти корисну їжу. 7) Грип-заразний, тому ти повинен залишатись в ліжку декілька днів. 8) Якщо ти застудишся, прийде лікар, зміряє температуру, послухає, огляне горло, пощупає пульс та випише потрібні ліки. 5. Retell the text ( помогите пожалуйста даю 90 балов!!!!)
The text discusses the importance of good health and the role of medicine in maintaining it. It begins by emphasizing the proverb "A sound mind in a sound body," highlighting the significance of being in good health for a positive outlook on life. Good health is portrayed as better than the best medicine, as it can keep one in a good mood.
The text then delves into the dislike people have for diseases, particularly when they disrupt important plans. It describes the symptoms of an illness, such as a splitting headache, dizziness, eye discomfort, coughing, and congestion. The need for medical attention is evident when the temperature is found to be high (38.4 degrees Celsius).
The text goes on to discuss the importance of seeking medical help, and the doctor's role in examining and diagnosing the illness. Medications are prescribed, and adherence to the doctor's instructions is emphasized, as this can lead to a faster recovery and prevent complications.
The text also briefly mentions dental and eye health, suggesting that one should consult a dentist for tooth issues and an oculist for eye problems.
In the end, it advocates for taking care of one's health through exercise, outdoor activities, sports, and a healthy diet. Prevention is deemed better than cure. The text concludes by encouraging people to maintain good health for a sound mind and body.
1. Strong headache, to be in a good mood, to take one's temperature, to follow the doctor's directions, to have a high temperature, to prescribe medication, to recover from an illness, to have a toothache, to test one's sight, to stay out of doors, to go in for sports, to eat healthy food, to give an illness to others, to have complications, to be in bed, to send for a doctor, to recognize one's voice.
2. 1) He is always in a good mood. In the morning you find out that you can't get up as usual. 2) You are ill and have to stay in bed for a few days. Also, you have to send for the doctor. 3) After examination the doctor will write you out a prescription for some medicine. 4) If you have a bad tooth, the dentist pulls it out or fills it in and looks after the others. 5) People should take care of their health, go in for sports, eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and other healthy food.
3. 1) I usually call the doctor when I fall ill. 2) I send for a doctor when I have a high temperature or severe symptoms. 3) The doctor examines me by feeling my pulse, checking my lungs, and examining my throat. 4) I must follow the doctor's directions because it's important for a speedy recovery. 5) When I have the flu, I feel weak, have a headache, and a sore throat. 6) The symptoms of the flu or a cold may include a headache, dizziness, coughing, and congestion. 7) I consult a dentist when I have a toothache. 8) I go to an oculist to test my sight and get a prescription. 9) It usually takes me a week or so to recover from a cold or the flu. 10) I must stay in bed for a few days after the flu to avoid complications.
4. 1) My friend had a terrible headache and a sore throat. He called the doctor's office to make an appointment. 2) My sister followed the doctor's recommendations, and after a week, she felt much better. The doctor said she had fully recovered. 3) If you're in good health, you're always in a good mood. 4) If you want to test your sight, you should go to an oculist. If necessary, they will write you a prescription, and an optician will make the necessary glasses for you. 5) People should take care of their health because prevention is better than treatment. 6) Most of all, people hate being ill, so if you want to stay healthy, you should exercise, do morning workouts, and eat healthy food. 7) The flu is contagious, so you have to stay in bed for a few days. 8) If you catch a cold, the doctor will come, measure your temperature, listen to your lungs, check your throat, feel your pulse, and prescribe the necessary medication.
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The text discusses the importance of good health and the need to take care of one's well-being. It mentions that good health is better than any medicine and that being in good health leads to a good mood. The text describes the unpleasantness of falling ill and the symptoms that accompany it, such as a splitting headache, dizziness, cough, and a high temperature. It emphasizes the need to seek medical attention when ill, and the doctor's examination process, including checking the pulse, lungs, and throat. Following the doctor's directions and taking prescribed medication is also highlighted. The text mentions the importance of prevention and maintaining a healthy lifestyle through exercise, spending time outdoors, and eating nutritious food. Dental and eye care are also mentioned, with dentists and oculists providing necessary treatments and prescriptions. It concludes by stating that people should prioritize their health and that prevention is better than cure. The text encourages readers to take care of their health to avoid complications and ensure a speedy recovery from illnesses.
1. Give English equivalents to the following word combinations and use them in sentences of your own:
1) сильний головний біль - severe headache
Example sentence: She had a severe headache and couldn't concentrate on her work.
2) бути в доброму настрої - to be in a good mood
Example sentence: When the sun is shining, I am always in a good mood.
3) прощупувати пульс - to feel the pulse
Example sentence: The doctor felt my pulse and said it was normal.
4) кашель, кашляти - cough, to cough
Example sentence: He couldn't stop coughing, so he went to see a doctor.
5) відчувати нудоту і запаморочення - to feel nauseous and dizzy
Example sentence: After the roller coaster ride, she felt nauseous and dizzy.
6) в здоровому тілі здоровий дух - a sound mind in a sound body
Example sentence: Regular exercise and a balanced diet contribute to a sound mind in a sound body.
7) ускладнення - complications
Example sentence: If you don't take proper care of your wound, it can lead to complications.
8) видужувати, поправлятися - to recover, to get better
Example sentence: After a week of rest and medication, he started to recover from the flu.
9) виривати зуб - to extract a tooth
Example sentence: The dentist had to extract her wisdom tooth because it was causing pain.
10) пломбувати зуб - to fill a tooth
Example sentence: The dentist filled her cavity with a dental filling.
2. Insert the correct prepositions:
1) He is always in a good mood.
2) In the morning you find out that you can't get up as usual.
3) You are ill and have to stay in bed for a few days. Also, you have to send for the doctor.
4) After examination, the doctor will write you out a prescription for some medicine.
5) If you have a bad tooth, the dentist pulls it out or fills it in and looks after the others.
6) People should take care of their health. They should do morning exercises, stay outdoors as long as they can, go in for sports, eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, and other healthy food.
Answer the questions:
1) What do you usually do when you fall ill? - When I fall ill, I rest, take medication, and if necessary, consult a doctor.
2) When do you send for a doctor? - I send for a doctor when my symptoms are severe or if I need professional medical advice.
3) What does the doctor do when he comes to examine you? - The doctor checks my vital signs, asks about my symptoms, examines me physically, and may request further tests if needed.
4) Why must you follow the doctor's directions? - It is important to follow the doctor's directions because they are based on their professional expertise and are designed to aid in recovery or manage the illness effectively.
5) What do you feel when you have the flu? - When I have the flu, I usually experience symptoms such as fever, body aches, fatigue, sore throat, coughing, and congestion.
6) What are the symptoms of the flu/a cold? - The symptoms of the flu/cold can include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, fatigue, and headaches.
7) Who do you consult when you have a toothache? - I consult a dentist when I have a toothache.
8) Who do you consult when you want to test your sight? - I consult an optometrist or ophthalmologist when I want to test my sight.
9) How long does it take you to recover from a cold/the flu? - The recovery time from a cold or flu varies, but it usually takes about a week to ten days to start feeling better.
10) What must you do so as not to have complications after the flu? - To avoid complications after the flu, it is important to rest, stay hydrated, take prescribed medication, and follow the doctor's advice regarding recovery and self-care.
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