Предмет: Английский язык, автор: 15122011dd

Можете написати 10 речень з англійської мови як я провела осійні канікули з часточками was,wereпровела осійні канікули з was were


Автор ответа: viktoriatrocin3


Звісно, ось 10 речень, в яких використані частки "was" і "were" щодо ваших осінніх канікул:

1. I was at home for the first week of my autumn break.

2. We were in the mountains for a few days, enjoying the fall foliage.

3. He was visiting his grandparents during the entire holiday.

4. They were at the beach for the second part of their break.

5. I was exploring new hiking trails in the countryside.

6. My friends were studying for their exams during the break.

7. She was working on a project for school most of the time.

8. We were lucky with the weather; it was sunny throughout the break.

9. I was reading a great novel while sipping hot cocoa.

10. They were planning a Halloween party for the end of the break.

Автор ответа: Mandar1nDevel


I was very happy during my autumn break.

(Я була дуже щасливою під час мого осіннього канікул.)

We were exploring the forest while the leaves were changing colors.

(Ми досліджували ліс, коли листя змінювало свій колір.)

He was at the museum yesterday.

(Він був у музеї вчора.)

They were playing football with their friends all day.

(Вони грали у футбол зі своїми друзями весь день.)

She was reading a fascinating book throughout the holiday.

(Вона читала захоплюючу книгу протягом канікул.)

It was raining heavily when we went for a hike.

(Ішов сильний дощ, коли ми вирушили в похід.)

The city was beautifully decorated for the fall festival.

(Місто було чудово прикрашене на осінній фестиваль.)

The kids were excited to visit the pumpkin patch.

(Діти були схвильовані відвідати город з гарбузами.)

I was working on my school projects during the break.

(Я працювала над своїми шкільними проектами під час канікул.)

The weather was perfect for outdoor activities.

(Погода була ідеальною для відпочинку на вулиці.)

Mandar1nDevel: Якщо моя відповідь вам сподобалася - відзнач короною будь ласка <3
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