Предмет: Английский язык, автор: polinagerula

Придумати 10 запитань до тексту Anita Roddick
Anita Roddick

Anita Peril was born in 1942 in Littlehampton, a seaside town the south of England. Her parents were from Italy and ran a café. After leaving school, she trained an English teacher, but before finding a job, she decided to travel round the world, working in a number of different countries. When she got back Britain, her mother introduced her to a young Scottish man called Gordon Roddick. They fell in love immediately and married Together, they opened a restaurant and a small hotel in Anita's home town. They had two daughters and moved to Brighton, also on the south coast.

It was there in 1976 that Anita Roddick opened the first Body Shop store. Her husband was travelling in South America and she needed to earn money to support her young family. She wanted sell cosmetics and skin-care products that were natural and not tested on animals. She also recycled the bottles contained her products: customers could bring them back to the shop and refill them. 'Businesses have the power to do good,' she said. She opened a second shop six months and by 1991, there were seven hundred Body Shop stores. By 2004, the Body Shop had over two thousand stores with 71 million customers in 51 countries.

Anite Roddick was passionate about social and environmental issues. She gave money many charities, including Greenpeace and Amnesty International, and she campaigned for them too. She joined anti-globalisation protests and was very critical of big oil companies that did not invest in renewable energy.

Towards the end her life, she sold Body Shop to the world's largest cosmetics company, L'Oréal. Many of her customers felt betrayed. But she gave away most money to charities. She died in 2007 at the age of 64. har


Автор ответа: drewdober


1) What inspired Anita Roddick to open the first Body Shop store in 1976?

2) Where was Anita Roddick born and raised, and what did her parents do for a living?

3) How did Anita Roddick meet her husband, Gordon Roddick?

4) What were the key principles behind the products sold at the Body Shop, according to Anita Roddick?

5) How did Anita Roddick contribute to the environmental and social causes she cared about?

6) How many Body Shop stores were there by 1991, and in how many countries were they located?

7) What were some of the charities and organizations that Anita Roddick supported with her wealth and influence?

8) Why did some of the Body Shop's customers feel betrayed when Anita Roddick sold the company to L'Oréal?

9 What was Anita Roddick's perspective on big oil companies and renewable energy?

10) When and at what age did Anita Roddick pass away, and what did she do with most of her wealth before her death?

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Для набору даних (age, year_old) – текст на екрані – {'name': 'sergii', 'year_old': 100500, 'country': 'Ukraine'}

Для набору даних (profession, year_old) – текст на екрані – "Шуканого ключа немає"


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user = {

'name': 'sergii',

'age': 100500,

'country': 'Ukraine'


key = input("Введіть ім'я ключа ")

new_key = input("Введіть нове ім'я ключа ")
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