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Heroes in our time are unique and inspiring individuals who demonstrate courage, bravery and dedication in serving their communities. One of these heroes, Abukhazhi Idrisov, was born on May 17, 1918 in the village of Berdykel.
The fate of Idrisov is inextricably linked with the Great Patriotic War. He was drafted into the Red Army in October 1939 and served in the 125th Infantry Division in the Baltics. Idrisov began his combat service immediately from the first day of the war, retreating to the east as part of the regiment. In July 1941, his division took up defensive positions on the Pskov-Velikiye Luki line, where Idrisov and his comrades fought off daily enemy attacks.
Due to his skill and accuracy, Idrisov was transferred to a sniper squad after killing 22 enemy soldiers with single shots from a machine gun. His name became known throughout the Northwestern Front, and he was called to help in other sectors of the front.
By April 1943, Idrisov had already destroyed 309 fascists, which was confirmed in the political report of the 370th Infantry Division in which he served. In March 1944, he already had 349 fascists killed, and he was nominated for the title of Hero.
However, even after such merits, Idrisov did not escape the tragic fate caused by the deportation of his people - the Chechens. He was reduced to the status of a special settler and was forced to live in the Kazakh steppes. However, after receiving the right of return in 1957, Idrisov returned to Chechnya and continued to serve his people.
Abukhazhi Idrisov died on October 22, 1983 in Grozny. He left behind a legacy of courage and determination, becoming an example for future generations. His feat and selfless service in the name of the Motherland are remembered and glorified, proving that heroes exist not only in the distant past, but also in our time.