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Alex: Hey, Emily, have you thought about joining any extracurricular activities at school?
Emily: Yeah, I'm considering it. I was thinking of maybe joining the art club.
Alex: That's cool! I've heard they do some awesome projects. I'm into sports, so I'm leaning towards joining the soccer team.
Emily: Soccer sounds like a lot of fun! How often do they practice?
Alex: They practice three times a week, and there are games on weekends.
Emily: I'll have to check the art club schedule. It'd be nice to do something creative.
Alex: Absolutely. It's a great way to meet new people and learn new skills.
Emily: You're right. I'll give it a try. And maybe I'll come watch one of your soccer games too!
Alex: That would be awesome! It's all about having fun and staying active. Good luck with the art club, Emily.