**We love...**
Abigail because she is **compassionate** and believes that good will win no matter what. Her friends who live in the community **look up to** her. For them, she is a great and **inspirational** figure who gives them hope.
**We love to hate**
Gregor because he is so **conceited** - he thinks that everyone loves him. In fact, the opposite is true: the people in the village **despise** him. He wants to be the leader and is very **pushy**, always telling people what to do.
1. What do you do after you've had a **misunderstanding** with your friend?
2. You behaved in a very **immature** way and offended a lot of people.
3. Please don't be so **defensive** when I criticize you! I'm only trying to help you.
4. Dad is an **adept** cook because he knows how to prepare a few dishes quite well.
5. Some psychologists say it can be unhealthy to **idolize** celebrities for too long.