Срочно пожалуйста!!!! Составить диалог о своих предпочтениях и предложить собеседнику заняться какой - либо деятельностью. Пример есть на прикрепленной к заданию фотографии

Suzy: Hi Jake. What are your plans for the weekend?
Jake: I'm thinking of going snowboarding. How about you?
Suzy: Oh, I've never tried snowboarding before. Can I come with you?
Jake: Sure, why not? Even if you don't want to snowboard, you can come and watch.
Suzy: That sounds fun. Maybe I can take some photos of you for my art class.
Jake: That would be great. Let's plan the details later. Bye for now.
Person A: Hey, do you have any plans for the weekend?
Person B: Not really, just staying home and relaxing. What about you?
Person A: I was thinking maybe we could go hiking. I love being out in nature and exploring new trails.
Person B: That sounds like a great idea. I haven't been hiking in a while, and it would be nice to get some fresh air.
Person A: Perfect! I know a scenic trail nearby. We can pack a picnic and make a day out of it.
Person B: That sounds wonderful. Count me in. I'll bring the snacks, and you can handle the hiking route.
Person A: Deal! It's going to be a fun and adventurous day. Let's meet early in the morning, so we can make the most of it.
Person B: I'm excited! It's been too long since I've done something like this. Looking forward to it.