Предмет: Английский язык, автор: rain2705

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Rewrite in narrative form.

Monday morning
Monday morning is always the worst morning of the week in the Crawford family. Everybody is sleepy and everybody is in a hurry.
"Hurry up, Nick," father called out as he stood in front of the bathroom door. "I've got a train to catch."
"I'm shaving," Nick answered. "I'll be out in a minute."
"Breskfast is ready," mother called from the kitchen. "Where's David? Is he still in bed?" She went up to David's room: "Get up! It's a quarter to eight. Your breakfast will get cold."
"I don't want any breakfast," David said; "I'll have another five minutes sleep."
At this moment the postman rang the bell.
"Good morning, Mrs. Crawford. Isn't it a nice day?"
"Monday is never a nice day in our house."​


Автор ответа: Sazkok


On Monday morning, a familiar sense of chaos descended upon the Crawford household. Sleep clung to every member, and urgency was the order of the day.

"Hurry up, Nick," implored their father from the bathroom doorway, his voice laced with the pressure of an impending train ride. "I've got a train to catch."

Nick, still ensnared by the drudgery of his morning shave, replied, "I'll be out in a minute."

From the bustling kitchen, the aroma of breakfast wafted through the air. Their mother's voice cut through the morning haze, "Breakfast is ready. Where's David? Is he still in bed?" She ascended the stairs with purpose. "Get up! It's a quarter to eight. Your breakfast will get cold."

A groggy David mumbled from beneath the warmth of his covers, "I don't want any breakfast. I'll have another five minutes of sleep."

Just then, an unexpected interruption arrived in the form of the postman, who pressed the doorbell.

"Good morning, Mrs. Crawford," he cheerfully greeted her. "Isn't it a nice day?"

Mrs. Crawford sighed, shaking her head. "Monday is never a nice day in our house."

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