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1. I use the word "cringe" in everyday conversation. But of course, there are many words in my language. For example "офигенный" means "phat" or "sick" in English slang. One more is "чилить" which means relax or "chill" in English
2. Yes, technology has had an impact on the way people speak and write in many countries. For example:
Texting and Messaging: With the rise of smartphones and messaging apps, people often communicate through text messages. This has led to the widespread use of abbreviations, acronyms, and emojis to convey emotions and tone. For example, "LOL" (Laugh Out Loud), "BRB" (Be Right Back), and are commonly used in text messages.
3. Of course, almost all Russian slang comes from English words or slang. As I said "чилить" was taken from the English word chill. We often use "ЛОЛ" in our conversation when we see or hear something funny, English learners use the "LOL" word the same way.
4. There are many words that come from the Russian language. English uses the word "Tundra" meaning a treeless plain in the Arctic or subarctic region as we are. If we talk about English slang, there are not so many examples of it. But often you can hear someone using "Nyet" instead of "No".