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1. 1.save - c) spend
2.borrow - e) lend
3 generous - b) mean
4.buy - a) sell
5.spender - d) saver
2. 1.Jan likes giving presents to other people.
2.I can't afford a mobile phone at the moment.
3.Mia is saving some money for her summer holiday.
4.We got some great bargains at the market this morning.
5.Maria is very generous. She always buys her friends food at the café.
6.Can you lend me your MP3 player, please? I'll give it back to you this evening.
могу только 2 ↑ третье спроси ещё раз
1. Match a word from column A with its opposite word in column B.
1) save - spend
2) borrow - lend
3) generous - mean
4) buy - sell
5) spender - saver
2. Underline the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 ) Jan likes giving presents to other people.
2) I can't afford a mobile phone at the moment.
3) Mia is saving some money for her summer holiday.
4) We got some great bargains at the market this morning.
5) Maria is very generous. She always buys her friends food at the café.
6) Can you lend me your MP3 player, please? I'll give it back to you this evening
3. Complete the text with the words below.
My best friend Maya and I had travel plans this summer. My parents 1) lent me some of the money, but not all of it. They told me that I had to get a job in June because I wanted to 2) earn enough for the trip. I got a job and I 3) saved everything I made - I'm a good 4) saver. I'm 5) sensible with money, so I didn't 6) spend all my money on holiday. After the holiday, I 7) paid back the money to my parents. Now I really want to 8) buy a motorbike. I can't 9) afford it, so I'm going to 10) borrow some more money but I'm going to work on Saturdays to pay it back.