make your own survey 5 question
How often do you shop online for products or services?
Rarely (once a year or less)
Occasionally (a few times a year)
Frequently (several times a month)
Very frequently (almost daily)
What factors influence your decision to shop online? (Select all that apply)
Price discounts and deals
Product variety and selection
Customer reviews and ratings
Free shipping options
Brand reputation
Previous positive experiences
Other (please specify): _______________
Have you ever encountered issues with online shopping, such as delayed deliveries or damaged products? If so, please briefly describe your experience.
What type of products or services do you prefer to buy online, and which ones do you prefer to purchase in physical stores? (E.g., electronics, clothing, groceries, etc.)
Are you concerned about the security of your personal and financial information when shopping online? What measures do you take to ensure your online shopping transactions are secure?