даю 40 баллов.
Написати 5 речень про фестиваль зі словами з «Check these words» box.
1.The music festival had an impressive lineup of artists from various genres, making it a must-visit event for music enthusiasts. Check these words off your list of must-see performances!
2.At the food festival, there was a diverse selection of culinary delights from around the world. Check these words: delicious, mouthwatering, and satisfying, to describe the experience.
3.The cultural festival featured colorful parades, traditional dances, and intricate art exhibitions. Check these words to capture the essence of the event: vibrant, diverse, and captivating.
4.The film festival screened a range of thought-provoking documentaries and gripping dramas. Check these words to summarize the cinematic experience: inspiring, thought-provoking, and cinematic.
5.The annual literature festival brought together renowned authors and avid readers for discussions and book signings. Check these words: intellectual, enlightening, and literary, to describe the atmosphere