Write a conversation between Lena and Rob. They have to explain each other what happered. Use so, so that, that's why and because.
Rob met Lena in the Hot Site Cyber Café last year. A friend introduced them to each other, and he liked her from the first moment he saw her. She seemed a really nice person, and he thought she was incredibly attractive. She was with another boy that evening, so he didn't ask her out. He saw Lena in the café again the next Saturday. She was surfing the internet. This time she was alone, so he sat down next to her. Before long they were talking and laughing. They started to go out together. Today was a very special day. It was exactly a year since Rob and Lena started going out together. This was their first anniversary, and he wanted to buy her a present. The only problem was that he didn't know what to buy her. 'I know!" he thought. I'll ask my cousin Jane. She's always got a lot of bright ideas." Jane suggested perfume because 'all women love perfume.' However, Rob didn't know anything about perfume that's why jane went shopping with him. She took him to a very expensive shop so that they could choose something nice. Lena saw Rob with Jane when they were buying the perfume. Lena didn't know Jane. She was very jealous and very, very angry. She wanted to shout at them! But she didn't. She left the shop without saying hello, and decided never to see nim again. Rob never knew. Lena saw him with Jane. Rob telephoned Lena. He wanted to give her the perfume and celebrate their wonderful year together. Lena was crying when he rang. She asked her mother to tell hir that she was out - with another boy! Rob felt his heart brecking. 'I just don't believe it! How could she do this?" he asked himself. Lena and Rob split up..
Rob: Hi, Lena. I'm so happy to talk to you. I have a surprise for you. It's our anniversary today, do you remember?
Lena: Oh, hi, Rob. Yes, I remember. It's been a year since we met in the Hot Site Cyber Café.
Rob: That's right. You were surfing the internet, and I sat next to you. We had so much fun that night.
Lena: Yeah, we did. So, what's the surprise?
Rob: Well, I wanted to buy you a present, but I didn't know what to get you. So I asked my cousin Jane for help. She suggested perfume because all women love perfume.
Lena: Perfume? Really? And did Jane go shopping with you?
Rob: Yes, she did. She took me to a very expensive shop so that we could choose something nice for you. I bought you a bottle of Chanel No. 5. It's your favorite, right?
Lena: (angrily) How do you know it's my favorite? Did Jane tell you that too? Or did you smell it on her when you were hugging and kissing her in the shop?
Rob: (shocked) What? What are you talking about? I wasn't hugging and kissing Jane. She's my cousin, for God's sake!
Lena: Don't lie to me, Rob. I saw you with her. I was in the shop too. You didn't see me because you were too busy with your new girlfriend.
Rob: Lena, please listen to me. You're making a big mistake. Jane is not my girlfriend. She's my cousin. That's why I asked her to help me buy a present for you.
Lena: Oh, really? Then why didn't you introduce me to her? Why didn't you say hello to me when you saw me?
Rob: I didn't see you, Lena. I swear. If I had seen you, I would have introduced you to Jane and given you the perfume right away.
Lena: Well, it's too late now, Rob. You've broken my heart. I don't want your perfume or your lies. I don't want to see you ever again.
Rob: Lena, don't do this! Don't throw away our relationship over a misunderstanding. I love you, Lena! You're the only one for me.
Lena: Save it, Rob. It's over between us! Goodbye!