6 Read the table. Say the possessive adjectives in your language. Personal pronouns Possessive adjectives my your his her its Possessive pronouns 1 you he she it we you they our your their ours yours theirs mine yours his hers Я ТУПОЙ КТО РЕШИТЬ КОМУ 30
The possessive adjectives in Russian language are:
my: мой (moy)
your (singular): твой (tvoy)
his: его (yevo)
her/its: её (yeyo)
our: наш (nash)
your (plural/formal): ваш (vash)
their: их (ikh)
These adjectives are declined according to the gender, number, and case of the noun they modify.
For example:
моя книга (my book)
твоя книга (your book)
его книга (his book)
её книга (her/its book)
наша книга (our book)
ваша книга (your book, plural/formal)
их книга (their book)
The possessive pronouns in Russian are:
mine: мой (moy)
yours (singular): твой (tvoy)
his: его (yevo)
hers/its: её (yeyo)
ours: наш (nash)
yours (plural/formal): ваш (vash)
theirs: их (ikh)
These pronouns are not declined and are used to replace a noun that has already been mentioned.
For example:
Это моя книга. Дай мне мою книгу. (This is my book. Give me my book.)
Это твоя машина? Твоя машина очень красивая. (Is this your car? Your car is very beautiful.)
I hope this helps!