1. Analyse the following Nouns according to types:
1) Sister
2) Globe
3) Fish
4) Deer
5) Advice
6) Heat
7) Mr.Gibbson
8) Tutor
2. Underline all the Nouns. State the functions of them in each sentence.
I knew Salvatore first when he was a boy of fifteen with a pleasant face, a laughing mouth and care-free eyes. He seemed powerful. He used to spend the morning lying about the beach with next to nothing on and his brown body was as thin as a rail. He was full of grace. He was often in and out of the sea all the time swimming with the clumsy, effortless stroke common to the fisher boat.
Scrambling up the jagged rocks on his hard feet slowly, for except on Sundays never wore shoes, he would throw himself into the deep water with a scream of delight. (After “Salvatore” William Somerset Maugham)
**Noun Types:**
1) **Sister:** Common Noun (specifically, a concrete common noun).
2) **Globe:** Concrete Common Noun.
3) **Fish:** Concrete Common Noun.
4) **Deer:** Concrete Common Noun.
5) **Advice:** Abstract Common Noun.
6) **Heat:** Abstract Common Noun.
7) **Mr. Gibbson:** Proper Noun (a specific person's name).
8) **Tutor:** Concrete Common Noun (can also be an abstract common noun in certain contexts).
**Nouns in the Text:**
- **Salvatore:** Proper Noun.
- **Boy:** Concrete Common Noun.
- **Face:** Concrete Common Noun.
- **Mouth:** Concrete Common Noun.
- **Eyes:** Concrete Common Noun.
- **Morning:** Concrete Common Noun.
- **Beach:** Concrete Common Noun.
- **Body:** Concrete Common Noun.
- **Stroke:** Concrete Common Noun.
- **Sea:** Concrete Common Noun.
- **Rocks:** Concrete Common Noun.
- **Feet:** Concrete Common Noun.
- **Water:** Concrete Common Noun.
**Functions in Sentences:**
1. "I knew **Salvatore** first when he was a **boy** of fifteen with a pleasant **face**, a laughing **mouth**, and care-free **eyes**."
- **Salvatore:** Subject.
- **Boy:** Subject complement, describing Salvatore.
- **Face, Mouth, Eyes:** Part of descriptive phrases.
2. "He used to spend the **morning** lying about the **beach** with next to nothing on and his brown **body** was as thin as a rail."
- **Morning:** Object of the preposition "spend," indicating time.
- **Beach:** Object of the preposition "about," indicating location.
- **Body:** Part of a descriptive phrase describing Salvatore.
3. "He was often in and out of the **sea** all the time swimming with the clumsy, effortless **stroke** common to the fisher boat."
- **Sea:** Object of the preposition "out of," indicating origin.
- **Stroke:** Object of the preposition "with," indicating manner.
4. "Scrambling up the jagged **rocks** on his hard **feet** slowly, for except on Sundays he never wore **shoes**, he would throw himself into the deep **water** with a scream of delight."
- **Rocks:** Object of the preposition "up," indicating location.
- **Feet:** Object of the preposition "on," indicating body part.
- **Shoes:** Object of the verb "wore," indicating what he never wore.
- **Water:** Object of the preposition "into," indicating destination. .