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Read the text and write down the words.
The holidays are the best time and opportunity we have to enjoy and continue our
family traditions. Many of us can recall how our families celebrated the New Year, Christmas,
Valentine's Day, Easter or birthdays every year. There are some very special traditions we
may remember: getting around the table with our grandparents, spending time together or
going out of town to visit friends or family members.
Traditions can have very special meaning and memories for us. Traditions are necessary
for a family. For one thing, they bring families closer together. By nature, traditions take time
and commitment. This time together helps you make new memories while also remember-
ing the past with gratitude. Traditions remind us to stop the busy routine of life long enough
to reconnect and build bonds.
1) Gratitude
2) Family
3) Friend
4) Holiday
5) Birthday
6) Grandparents
7) Traditions