1. Personal information - 2. Personal identifiable information - 3. If you are scared or uncomfortable, what do you need - 4. Before posting or sharing photos online, talk to - 5. What is never ok in the internet or in our
Personal information:
Personal information refers to details about an individual such as their name, address, phone number, and other identifying data that can be used to distinguish one person from another.
Personal identifiable information:
Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is a subset of personal information that includes sensitive data like Social Security numbers, financial information, and medical records. Protecting PII is crucial for online security.
If you are scared or uncomfortable, what do you need:
If you feel scared or uncomfortable online, it's essential to seek help and support. Reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or authority figure to discuss your concerns and find solutions to address the situation.
Before posting or sharing photos online, talk to:
Before sharing photos online, especially if they contain personal information or images of others, it's a good practice to talk to the individuals involved and get their consent. Respect their privacy and preferences.
What is never ok on the internet or in our lives:
What is never okay on the internet or in our lives includes actions like cyberbullying, harassment, spreading false information, invading someone's privacy, or engaging in illegal activities. It's crucial to follow ethical and legal guidelines in both online and offline interactions.