obnegebni.VI Exercise 9. Ситуації для спілкування. 1. Розкажіть своєму товаришеві про свою майбутню професію медсестри. 2. Розкажіть подрузі про обов'язки медсестри у лікарні. 3. Розкажіть одногрупнику про обов'язки медсестри у поліклініці. 4. Розкажіть про діяльність медсестри, використайте наступну інформацію: What is nursing? der * Nursing is a caring human service which recognizes that each person is unique, and ha worth and dignity, as well as the right to make decisions about his own body. * Nursing is constantly evolving, changing along with new developments in societ sciences and humanities. * Despite the changing face of health care, nursing's goals of promoting health an providing care and support to people through all stages of life remain at its core. YO
Tell your friend about your future profession as a nurse:
Friend, I'm planning to become a nurse. It's a very important profession because nurses provide care and support to patients in hospitals and other medical facilities. I believe this profession will give me the opportunity to help people in their fight against illnesses and support them on the path to recovery.
Tell your friend about the responsibilities of a nurse in a hospital:
Nurses in hospitals have a significant responsibility. They take vital signs, administer medical care, dispense medications, and maintain patient hygiene. They also provide psychological support and help patients recover after surgeries and illnesses.
Tell a classmate about the responsibilities of a nurse in a clinic:
In a clinic, nurses also play a crucial role. They receive patients, measure blood pressure, prepare patients for doctor's visits, administer injections, and perform medical procedures. Clinic nurses also provide health advice and information to patients.
Describe the role of a nurse using the following information:
A nurse is a professional who provides care and support to patients in medical facilities. Nurses understand that each person is unique, with inherent worth and the right to make decisions about their own bodies. Nurses constantly update their skills and adapt to new developments in science, social sciences, and humanities. Despite changes in healthcare systems, the core goals of nursing remain consistent - promoting health and providing care and support to people at all stages of life.