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1 Replace the underlined form with will + infinitive where this is possible without changing the meaning. A Hey, I was just talking to Alexi. We're going to get something to eat after the meeting. Do you want to come? B Erm, I'may just go home. I'm actually not feeling great. A Really? Why don't you go home now? B: Well, I'm doing a presentation in the meeting - I can't miss that. I also need to finish preparing some samples for Tomas. "He's going to be really annoyed if I haven't done them by tomorrow. I promised I would. A: Can't he wait a day longer? B No. She's travelling to Singapore tomorrow. A Really? What's he doing there? B: It's the annual sales conference, but 'he's meeting some new clients while he's there too, so I think he's going to need those samples. A: see. I guess you're going to have to do the best you can. 1 Complete the dialogues with an adverb. 10A How's school going? B: Not so well. I've. passed three of my eight exams this term. 20A:How's the job-hunting going? B Great. I've actually. near you, so we could meet up for lunch sometimes. 3A How's it going at university? B: been offered a job in a company ., it's been great. I've been really enjoying it, made lots of new friends. But I haven't sat so ask me again in a month's time! and I've any exams How's the training for the marathon going? BOK. I've. done a 25 km run, which I got through OK, sol think I'll be ready for the full marathon in April. 50A: How's your new job going? Have you been on any work trips SOA: ? B: You're joking, aren't you! I've hardly. been out of the office! I'm stuck behind my computer all day. 2 Choose the correct alternatives. 1A suppose they are lowering/ might lower their prices, but I think they'll look at other options first. 2 Once the new store is open, we're focusing/'re going to focus more on developing our brand. 3/A: When is/may the new store open/ opening? B: A week on Friday. My father's retiring, so this time next year, he'll be on the beach and I'll be running/'ll run the whole company. 5 A: Do you think they'll continue/'ll be continuing to expand the company like they have been doing? B: Why not? They're doing really well. 2 Complete the sentences with the adverbs in brackets. 11 started building the house two years ago, but I haven't finished it. (still) 3 2 m trying to visit every football ground in the league. I've been to 16. (so far) I've had three job interviews this month, but I haven't heard anything. (already, yet) 4 be returned from Moldova. I'm trying to visit every country in Europe. There are two I haven't been to now! (just, only) 5 want to buy a flat, but I've saved €15,000 so far. You can't buy anything for that amount of money. (only) 6 often go fishing, but I haven't had much luck. I haven't caught a small one for ages now. (lately, even).
помогите срочно тот кто из интернет урок 6класс
Задание 1 (10 баллов).
Прочитайте текст и определите, о каком цветке идет речь. Напишите заголовок.
Задание 2 (80 баллов).
Спишите текст, вставляя орфограммы.
Задание 3 (10 баллов).
Напишите, к какому стилю вы отнесете этот текст.
Рано утром среди седых, выр..зных лист..ев на м..хнатом стебле к..чается большой зеленый бутон. Тоже весь м..хнатый, в капельках росы.
И вдруг ты видишь, что бутон лопнул. Сию минуту. З..леные створки раздвигают..ся, проглянула между ними розовая п..лоска. Она делается шире, шире… З..леные створки опали на землю. Все это происходит на твоих гл..зах. И уже не з..леный бутон качается на стебле, а будто к..мочек розовой папиросной бумаги. Смятый к..мочек.
Но вот к..мочек начинает оживать, пухнуть, начинают расправлят..ся складки. Разглаживают..ся лепестки, выгибают..ся… Краснеют. Наливают..ся жаром. И вот уже огненная чаша раскрылась на стебле. Внутри ее лежит ч..рный уголек. Сияет огненная чаша. Боимся ее тронуть — пальцы — обожжет!