Предмет: Английский язык, автор: monetochkamashka

Good afternoon.
What year did you open the store?
I opened my store in 2000.
What was the most expensive perfume you had?
The most expensive perfume we had cost two thousand francs.
Did any customers ever damage their perfume?
Yes, they broke it and paid the full amount for it.
What was the most popular flavor in your store in 2013?
the most popular perfume was pineapple perfume in 2013
Have you ever tried to decorate perfume?
Yes, we ate but we called the police
проверить на ошибки past simple, заменить сложные слова на лёгкие


Автор ответа: normanaleks03



-Good afternoon.

-What year did you open the shop?

-I started my shop in 2000.

-What was the priciest perfume you had?

-The most costly fragrance we had was worth two thousand francs.

-Did any customers ever harm their perfume?

-Yes, they accidentally broke it and compensated the full amount for it.

-What was the favorite scent in your store in 2013?

-The most liked perfume was pineapple fragrance in 2013.

-Have you ever tried to improve perfume?

-Yes, we tasted it, but we called the police.

Автор ответа: bahytzannur48


ate" should be "ate it"

"we called the police" should be "we called the police because someone tried to decorate perfume"

Simpler words:

"francs" could be replaced with "dollars"

"perfume" could be replaced with "fragrance"

"decorate" could be replaced with "vandalize"

Corrected paragraph:

Hello. Good afternoon. What year did you open the store?

I opened my store in 2000.

What was the most expensive fragrance you had?

The most expensive fragrance we had cost two thousand dollars.

Did any customers ever damage your fragrance?

Yes, they broke it and paid the full amount for it.

What was the most popular flavor in your store in 2013?

The most popular fragrance in 2013 was pineapple fragrance.

Have you ever tried to vandalize fragrance?

Yes, someone tried to vandalize perfume but we called the police.

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