Предмет: Английский язык, автор: varqwqw

сос хелп кто нибудь киньте ответы на книгу Чарли и шоколадная фабрика английский клуб

Roksann: В маєте на увазі, рецензії на книгу?


Автор ответа: KamentaevDaut26


a) There were 7 people in Charlie's family: he, his mother and father and four grandparents. They were his mother's and father's parents.

a) There were 7 people in Charlie's family: he, his mother and father and four grandparents. They were his mother's and father's parents.b) No, it wasn't. Their house wasn't large for them all and their life was uncomfortable in it.

a) There were 7 people in Charlie's family: he, his mother and father and four grandparents. They were his mother's and father's parents.b) No, it wasn't. Their house wasn't large for them all and their life was uncomfortable in it.c) Unfortunately, they could not buy a better house because they were very poor and had no money for another house.

a) There were 7 people in Charlie's family: he, his mother and father and four grandparents. They were his mother's and father's parents.b) No, it wasn't. Their house wasn't large for them all and their life was uncomfortable in it.c) Unfortunately, they could not buy a better house because they were very poor and had no money for another house.d) Charlie's dad was the only person with a job in their family.

a) There were 7 people in Charlie's family: he, his mother and father and four grandparents. They were his mother's and father's parents.b) No, it wasn't. Their house wasn't large for them all and their life was uncomfortable in it.c) Unfortunately, they could not buy a better house because they were very poor and had no money for another house.d) Charlie's dad was the only person with a job in their family.e) They could afford only tea and potatoes or cabbage soup.

a) There were 7 people in Charlie's family: he, his mother and father and four grandparents. They were his mother's and father's parents.b) No, it wasn't. Their house wasn't large for them all and their life was uncomfortable in it.c) Unfortunately, they could not buy a better house because they were very poor and had no money for another house.d) Charlie's dad was the only person with a job in their family.e) They could afford only tea and potatoes or cabbage soup.f) Little Charlie wanted some chocolate more than anything else.

a) There were 7 people in Charlie's family: he, his mother and father and four grandparents. They were his mother's and father's parents.b) No, it wasn't. Their house wasn't large for them all and their life was uncomfortable in it.c) Unfortunately, they could not buy a better house because they were very poor and had no money for another house.d) Charlie's dad was the only person with a job in their family.e) They could afford only tea and potatoes or cabbage soup.f) Little Charlie wanted some chocolate more than anything else.g) He could taste a bit of chocolate once a year on his birthday. He was usually eating his small bar of chocolate a piece by a piece for the whole month.

a) There were 7 people in Charlie's family: he, his mother and father and four grandparents. They were his mother's and father's parents.b) No, it wasn't. Their house wasn't large for them all and their life was uncomfortable in it.c) Unfortunately, they could not buy a better house because they were very poor and had no money for another house.d) Charlie's dad was the only person with a job in their family.e) They could afford only tea and potatoes or cabbage soup.f) Little Charlie wanted some chocolate more than anything else.g) He could taste a bit of chocolate once a year on his birthday. He was usually eating his small bar of chocolate a piece by a piece for the whole month.h) The most terrible thing for him was if the chocolate factory would close.

i) No, it was not. It was the biggest factory in the world.

) No, it was not. It was the biggest factory in the world.j) Every time when Charlie went by the factory he began to walk very, very slowly because every time he wanted to feel the chocolate smell of the air near the factory as long as he could.

) No, it was not. It was the biggest factory in the world.j) Every time when Charlie went by the factory he began to walk very, very slowly because every time he wanted to feel the chocolate smell of the air near the factory as long as he could.k) Charlie's biggest wish was to visit the chocolate factory.

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Три ответа
В одной стране начали строить храмс. Руководитель
стройки решил посмотреть, как работают каменщики. Он спро-
сил троих рабочих, чтобы узнать их мнение на одну и ту же си-
туацию: с каким настроением они здесь трудятся.
Посмотри на мои руки, они покрыты мо-
золями. Я чувствую, как с каждым кирпичом
уходит частичка моей жизни. Эта работа ни-
когда не кончится, она бесконечная, - ответил первый.R
С каждым кирпичом я чувствую, что тружусь на будущее
своей семьи. Я работаю, чтобы моя семья жила в хорошем доме,
чтобы мои дети учились в лучшей школе, чтобы они достигли в
жизни большего, чем я. И всё это станет возможным благодаря
моему труду,
ответил второй.
С каждым положенным кирпичом я чувствую, что со-
здаю свою судьбу. Храм, который я построю, будет стоять тыся-
чу лет. Обо мне будут помнить, потому что на этих прекрасных
стенах будет отражено и моё скромное имя. Здесь я занимаюсь
любимым делом
я строю Дом Мира и Согласия.
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