напишіть текст свому англомовному другу
-розкажіть йому/їй які у вас домашні справи
-як часто ви їх виконуєте
-хто вам допомагає
-що ти любиш/не любиш робити
dear friend,
I hope you are doing well. I would like to share with you some details about my life here. As for household chores, I have several responsibilities that I perform regularly. The main ones are cleaning the apartment and cooking. I try to do this every day to stay organized and have a healthy diet.
As for who helps me, I often do it myself. But sometimes my family or neighbors are ready to help when needed. For example, when I have a lot of work or when we are preparing a big holiday, we all do things together.
As for my hobbies at home, I really enjoy cooking, especially new recipes and dishes from different cuisines around the world. But unfortunately, I'm not a big fan of cleaning, sometimes it seems like a boring task. But, of course, this is necessary to maintain order at home.
How are you doing at home? What are your hobbies and how often do you do them?
With best regards,
[Your name]