Предмет: Математика, автор: artem3kobetskyi

Запишіть у кілограмах, попередньо округливши до тисяч грамів:

6745 г; 34 740 г; 29 800 г. я ничего не понял


Автор ответа: vitalinapoane47


6745г = 6,745кг

34740г = 34,74кг

29800г = 29,8кг

Пошаговое объяснение:

один килограм 1000 грамм

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Информатика, автор: maxkipeniak
package com.example.newgenommod;

import net.minecraft.block.BlockState;
import net.minecraft.block.CropsBlock;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockRayTraceResult;
import net.minecraft.world.World;

public class GenomCropBlock extends CropsBlock {

public GenomCropBlock(Properties builder) {

public void onBlockActivated(BlockState state, World worldIn, BlockPos pos, net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity player, net.minecraft.util.Hand handIn, BlockRayTraceResult hit) {
if (!worldIn.isRemote) {
ItemStack heldItem = player.getHeldItem(handIn);
if (heldItem.isEmpty()) {
// When right-clicked with an empty hand, display the genome
String genome = getGenome(state);
player.sendMessage(new StringTextComponent("Genome: " + genome));

// Custom method to get the genome from the block state
private String getGenome(BlockState state) {
// You'll need to implement your own logic to determine the genome based on the block state
// For demonstration purposes, I'll return a static genome string
return "xyxxzoy";

// Custom method to handle the growth and yield based on the genome
protected int getBonemealAgeIncrease(World worldIn) {
// You'll need to implement your own logic to calculate the bonemeal age increase
// based on the genome. For demonstration purposes, I'll return a static value.
return 1;

// Custom method to handle the yield based on the genome
public ItemStack getItem(IBlockReader worldIn, BlockPos pos, BlockState state) {
// You'll need to implement your own logic to calculate the yield based on the genome
// For demonstration purposes, I'll return a static item stack.
return new ItemStack(Items.WHEAT);

Як створити з цього коду майнкрафт мод (поясніть нормально не туда сюда і готово)
Предмет: Химия, автор: imangeldialihan
Предмет: Алгебра, автор: galeeva3forever