коли вживаємо somebody/something/somewhere? Наведіть по 3 прикладу на кожний.
"Somebody," "something," та "somewhere" вживаються для вказівки на невизначену особу, предмет або місце. Ось по три приклади для кожного з цих займенників:
"Somebody" (невизначена особа):
Could you please help me find somebody who can fix my car?
I heard somebody knocking on the door, but I didn't see who it was.
Somebody left their umbrella in the office.
"Something" (невизначений предмет):
There's something strange about that old house on the corner.
I need to tell you something important.
I can smell something delicious cooking in the kitchen.
"Somewhere" (невизначене місце):
Let's go somewhere nice for our vacation this year.
I left my keys somewhere in this room, but I can't remember where.
Can you meet me somewhere in the city center?