помогите с тестом по английскому прошу даю 25 баллов

study - studied finish - finished work - worked
arrive - arrived realise - realised laugh - laughed
stop - stopped enjoy - enjoyed stay - stayed
love - loved tidy - tidied kiss - kissed
live - lived wash - washed switch - switched
hate - hated rob - robbed start - started
Susan lived in New York when was young.
My brother liked our presentations.
My mother studied at french school.
The student closed the window because it was cold.
We started the new unit yesterday.
Peter joined music lessons.
Susan liked the new movie - Susan disliked the old movie.
Mary arrived at home late - Mary left the home earlier.
Tim tidied his room - Tim havent tidy his room.
We stopped to buy some milk - We didn't stopped to buy some milk.
My school hosted a graduation party - My school didn't host a graduation party.
The burglars robbed all the jewels - The burglars did not robbed all the jewels.
1. What you were doing today?
2. What place did you visit today?
3. Where did she studied english today?
4. When did he stopped smoking?
5. Did you liked the movie?